You Trusted Me

success trust Apr 17, 2021

I attribute my success as an HR professional to the many mentors, colleagues, and friends that have taken the time to share their wisdom and life lessons with me. Each of those conversations has helped me to grow as a person and as a professional. In many of those conversations, one word was used time after time.  That word was TRUST.

Trust, they would tell me, is the key to success in business and life. Today, I understand that more than ever before.

You trusted me by:

  • Confiding in me about both the good things in your life and the struggles you face.
  • Reaching out to me to talk with or coach a husband, wife, daughter, son, mother, father, brother, and sister.
  • Contacting me long after I was no longer your “HR Business Partner" to help someone you know grow their career.

The reason that I pursue my passion every day is because of the trust that you gifted me.

I realize that trust, like time, is an extraordinarily valuable commodity that we can never beg, borrow, or steal from anyone.

To everyone, that invested your trust in me, I am eternally grateful for your friendship and what you have taught me as I learn how to be a better person and partner every day.

Thank you


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