What's Your Why?

passion purpose Mar 21, 2021

I love to teach. The video in this post is the intro to one of the most fascinating classes that I have had the opportunity to present. In this class I generally begin with one question:

How confident are you that you have found and live your life’s purpose?

The response I see in most of the sessions is always surprising to me.

Generally, I have a few people that respond with 100% certainty that they know and live a purposeful life. A few others have partially found meaning and purpose. About 90% on average share their struggle with identifying “what’s their why”.

A sad and telling statistic is that suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34. (

The challenges we have faced in the last year have made now, more than ever, a time to be aware of our mental and physical well-being. 

We all have a purpose in life.

As an HR professional, I speak with countless numbers of people that have an ability, aspiration, and potential to do exceptional things. The best workplaces understand and nurture the whole person and help to unlock the magic within people.

One of my favorite authors is Dr. Viktor Frankl. As a holocaust survivor, he had an exceptional understanding and ability to reframe the way people think about the choices we face every day.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” 

– Viktor Frankl

I know my purpose and have the opportunity to pursue it every day.

People are my passion.

If you know of anyone or are someone that is still looking for your why, reach out to someone you trust today. If you don’t have someone, I’m always available to you. No fees, no judgment, no time limit.

Begin here, begin now.


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