Fear is a Lie

fear Mar 21, 2021

I am afraid everyday…

I was afraid that I would never find true love… I’ve been married to the same, wonderful, caring, forgiving person for 27 years.

I was afraid that, after almost failing out of college as an undergraduate (I was on academic probation until I graduated), I was too stupid to learn… I’ve been a lifelong student and am completing my Ph.D. in Human Resource Development now.

I was afraid to travel outside my home town… I’ve been to many wonderful countries (Japan, China, Thailand, London, Holland, etc.) and can’t wait to experience the beauty and culture of many more.

I was afraid that people wouldn’t like me because I’m “the HR guy” (I had an employee see me in a hallway once and turn and run the other way ☹) … I have friends from around the world that check on me just and stay in contact so we can learn from each other.

I’ve realized that we all have fear in our lives.

It’s told me I’m not good enough, I’ll never amount to anything, what I do doesn’t matter, I’ll die poor and lonely.

Fear is a liar.

Fear is deafening.

Fear and the negative self-talk that accompanies it can overwhelming at times.

However, I have realized that the best things in life can always be found on the other side of fear.

Whatever you are facing, there is greatness inside of you.

Reach down, reach out, reach up and experience it.

If today was your last day on earth, what dreams, gifts, talents, or abilities would die with you?

Today, you may be far from your beginning but you’ve still got a long way until the end. #nomorefear


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