3 Letters that Changed my Life

human resources personal development Apr 17, 2021

Have you ever uttered the phrase “I can’t do that”? I was sick and tired of all the excuses that I would use to avoid things that I found difficult. And then, I adopted a small change in the way I viewed things that seemed impossible to me.

At the end of every sentence that would begin “I can’t do that”, I would add one, three-letter word.


That one little change made the impossible, possible. My mind was redirected to understand that I could do anything that I decided to do by pursuing it one step at a time.

Soon, I added another three-letter word that moved the possible into motion.


Leonardo da Vinci was quoted as saying “One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.” We can’t afford to have a life that is controlled by things that WE have the ability and responsibility to control.

It’s time to stop waiting for the perfect time to begin something that will change the course of your life. Stop waiting until you feel like doing it and amp up the other voice in you that says No! I need to do it so I DO feel like it.

 Remember, it’s your life, your way, every day.

Begin here, begin now.



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